
Adding items as reward

This is valid for both free and premium battle pass

Item options: table

  • name: string

    • Name of item

  • label: string

    • Label of item

  • img?: string

    • If no image is provided, the item image will automatically be based on the item name. Alternatively, you can specify a custom image

  • requirements: table

    • tier: number

      • Required tier to collect item

    • xp: number

      • Required XP to collect item

  • amount: number

    • Amount of item that will be received

  • metadata?: table

    • Optionally, you can add metadata to the item here if needed

Example (items as rewards)

FreePass = {
        [1] = { -- Rewards for the 1st week of the month.
            { name = 'water', label = 'Water', img = 'panties', requirements = { tier = 0, xp = 150 }, amount = 10, metadata = { description = 'This is metadata' } },
        [2] = { -- Rewards for the 2nd week of the month.
            { name = 'water', label = 'Water', requirements = { tier = 0, xp = 150 }, amount = 10, metadata = { description = 'This is metadata' } },
        [3] = { -- Rewards for the 3rd week of the month.
            { name = 'water', label = 'Water', requirements = { tier = 0, xp = 150 }, amount = 10, metadata = { description = 'This is metadata' } },
        [4] = { -- Rewards for the 4th week of the month.
            { name = 'water', label = 'Water', requirements = { tier = 0, xp = 150 }, amount = 10, metadata = { description = 'This is metadata' } },

Adding vehicles as reward

This is valid for both free and premium battle pass

Vehicle options: table

  • name: string

    • Name of vehicle (spawn code)

  • label: string

    • Label of vehicle

  • img: string

    • URL of image, otherwise it will look for image in web/img folder

  • requirements: table

    • tier: number

      • Required tier to collect item

    • xp: number

      • Required XP to collect item

  • vehicle: table

    • type: string

      • car, boat, helicopter, whatever you need

    • stored: string or boolean

      • Usually for stored status is 1 or true

    • garage: string

      • garage where vehicle will be stored

    • properties: table

      • here you can pre-configure properties that vehicle will have (colour, tyre smoke, engine etc)

Example (vehicles as rewards)

FreePass = {
    [1] = { -- week
            name = 'zentorno',
            label = 'Zentorno',
            img = '',
            requirements = { tier = 5, xp = 150 },
            vehicle = { type = 'car', stored = 1, garage = 'SanAndreasAvenue', properties = { color1 = 0, color2 = 27, neonEnabled = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } } }

Adding items to battle pass shop

Item options: table

  • name: string

    • Name of item

  • label: string

    • Label of item

  • img?: string

    • If no image is provided, the item image will automatically be based on the item name. Alternatively, you can specify a custom image

  • currency: string

    • Item that will be currency for that item/vehicle

  • price: number

    • Price for item/vehicle

  • amount: number

    • Amount of item that will be received

  • metadata?: table

    • Optionally, you can add metadata to the item here if needed

Example (items in battle pass shop)

BattleShop = {
    [1] = { -- Items available in the shop during the 1st week of the month.
        { name = 'water', label = 'Water', price = 50, currency = 'money', amount = 10, metadata = { description = 'This is metadata' } },
    [2] = { -- Items available in the shop during the 2nd week of the month.
        { name = 'water', label = 'Water', price = 50, currency = 'money', amount = 10, metadata = { description = 'This is metadata' } },
    [3] = { -- Items available in the shop during the 3rd week of the month.
        { name = 'water', label = 'Water', price = 50, currency = 'money', amount = 10, metadata = { description = 'This is metadata' } },
    [4] = { -- Items available in the shop during the 4th week of the month.
        { name = 'water', label = 'Water', price = 50, currency = 'money', amount = 10, metadata = { description = 'This is metadata' } },

Adding vehicles in battle pass shop

Vehicle options: table

  • name: string

    • Name of vehicle (spawn code)

  • label: string

    • Label of vehicle

  • img: string

    • URL of image, otherwise it will look for image in web/img folder

  • currency: string

    • Item that will be currency for that item/vehicle

  • price: number

    • Price for item/vehicle

  • vehicle: table

    • type: string

      • car, boat, helicopter, whatever you need

    • stored: string or boolean

      • Usually for stored status is 1 or true

    • garage: string

      • garage where vehicle will be stored

    • properties: table

      • here you can pre-configure properties that vehicle will have (colour, tyre smoke, engine etc)

Example (vehicles in battle pass shop)

BattleShop = {
    [1] = { -- Items available in the shop during the 1st week of the month.
            name = 'zentorno',
            label = 'Zentorno',
            img = '',
            price = 50, 
            currency = 'money',
            vehicle = { type = 'car', stored = 1, garage = 'SanAndreasAvenue', properties = { color1 = 0, color2 = 27, neonEnabled = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } }}


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