Accessible code
Config = {
FrameworkName = IsESX() and 'es_extended' or 'qb-core',
Locale = 'en',
Events = {
esx = {
client = {
loaded = 'esx:playerLoaded',
logout = 'esx:onPlayerLogout',
setjob = 'esx:setJob'
server = {
loaded = 'esx:playerLoaded',
logout = 'esx:playerLogout'
qb = {
client = {
loaded = 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded',
logout = 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerUnload',
setplayerdata = 'QBCore:Player:SetPlayerData',
gangupdate = 'QBCore:Client:OnGangUpdate'
enableWardrobe = true, -- enables function for opening wardrobe, in client/editable.lua in OpenWardrobe function put your event
disableIntegratedVehicles = false, -- option for disabling integrated vehicles
-- players only can be searched if you cuff them first
SearchOnlyWhenCuffed = true,
-- disable moving while cuffed?
freezeWhileCuffed = true,
--SetGangAs = 'job', -- will set gang as job
--SetGangAs = 'job2', -- will set gang as job2
--SetGangAs = 'metadata', -- will set gang on our system and work from there leaving your job or job2 free to use
SetGangAs = 'metadata',
InventoryPrefix = 'inventory', -- this is only for qs inv, this prefix must be same as in inventory config
-- cuff, uncuff, put in vehicle on target script?
MafiaActionsOnTarget = false,
TargetOptions = {
search = true,
cuff = true,
escort = true,
putin = true,
takeout = true
mafiaMenu = { -- f6 action menu position, available positions: 'top-left' or 'top-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'bottom-right'
defaultKey = 'F6', -- key for opening menu
position = 'top-right',
enabled = true, -- if you dont want it put false
commands = {
creator = {
name = 'creategang', -- command for creating mafia
restricted = 'group.admin', -- grop that will have acces to command
deleteMafia = {
name = 'deletegang', -- command for deleting mafia, /dellmafia mafia
restricted = 'group.admin' -- group that will have acces to command
teleportToBase = {
name = 'tpbase', -- command for teleporting to mafia, /tpbase mafia
restricted = 'group.admin' -- group that will have acces to command
findBase = {
name = 'findbase', -- command for players to find their base via gps
enabled = true -- by puting here false you disable this command
resetMarker = {
name = 'resetmarker', -- command for reseting all markers to 1 again
restricted = 'group.admin' -- group that will have acces to command
updateCars = {
name = 'updatevehicles', -- command for updating integrated vehicles in mafia
restricted = 'group.admin' -- group that will have acces to command
newMarker = {
name = 'newmarker', -- command for adding more markers
restricted = 'group.admin', -- group that will have acces to command
setGang = {
name = 'uisetgang', -- command for setting gang
restricted = 'group.admin' -- group that will have acces to command
-- esx only and if you use SetGangAs as metadata
removeGang = {
name = 'removegang',
restricted = 'group.admin',
-- esx only and if you use SetGangAs as metadata
mygang = {
name = 'mygang',
restricted = 'group.admin'
-- if set to true everybody at server who has password can acces stash
stashAccessEveryone = false, -- if set to false only people who has job can access that stash, again if they have password
stash = {
[1] = {10, 10}, -- [level] = {slots, kg}
[2] = {20, 20}, -- [level] = {slots, kg}
[3] = {30, 30}, -- [level] = {slots, kg}
[4] = {40, 40}, -- [level] = {slots, kg}
[5] = {50, 50}, -- [level] = {slots, kg}
[6] = {60, 60}, -- [level] = {slots, kg}
[7] = {70, 70}, -- [level] = {slots, kg}
[8] = {80, 80}, -- [level] = {slots, kg}
[9] = {90, 90}, -- [level] = {slots, kg}
[10] = {100, 100}, -- [level] = {slots, kg}
Levels = { -- prices for levels
[1] = 500, -- price for level 2
[2] = 1000, -- price for level 3
[3] = 1500, -- price for level 4
[4] = 2000, -- price for level 4
[5] = 2500, -- price for level 4
[6] = 3000, -- price for level 4
[7] = 3500, -- price for level 4
[8] = 4000, -- price for level 4
[9] = 4500, -- price for level 4
[10] = 5000, -- price for level 4
firePlayerData = {
qb = {
job = 'none',
grade = 0
-- if your SetGangAs is metadata then this isnt important
esx = {
job = 'unemployed',
grade = 0,
TuneOptions = {
modEngine = 3,
modBrakes = 2,
modTransmission = 2,
modSuspension = 3,
modArmor = true,
windowTint = 1,
-- other possibilities you can find here:
-- if you dont know how to setup this properly, open ticket at our discord
dealership = { -- only mafia can see blip and open dealership
enable = true, -- if you dont want this option put false here, ALSO DISABLES OWNED VEHICLES GARAGE
blip = {
type = 227, --
scale = 0.6,
colour = 3, --
text = 'Illegal Dealership'
coords = vec3(499.257, -1338.011, 29.319), -- coords for marker, blip
vehiclePreview = vec4(493.756, -1332.161, 28.336, 252.884),
unitCalculator = 'kmh' -- or 'mph', this is for calculating vehicle max speed
-- only mafia can see blip and interact
impound = {
blip = {
type = 227, --
scale = 0.6,
colour = 1, --
text = 'Illegal Impound'
coords = vec3(-465.680, -1707.112, 18.811), -- marker
spawn = vec3(-456.535, -1706.918, 18.819), -- coords where vehicle spawns after purchasing
ImpoundPrices = {
-- These are vehicle classes
[0] = 300, -- Compacts
[1] = 500, -- Sedans
[2] = 500, -- SUVs
[3] = 800, -- Coupes
[4] = 1200, -- Muscle
[5] = 800, -- Sports Classics
[6] = 1500, -- Sports
[7] = 2500, -- Super
[8] = 300, -- Motorcycles
[9] = 500, -- Off-road
[10] = 1000, -- Industrial
[11] = 500, -- Utility
[12] = 600, -- Vans
[13] = 100, -- Cylces
[14] = 2800, -- Boats
[15] = 3500, -- Helicopters
[16] = 3800, -- Planes
[17] = 500, -- Service
[18] = 0, -- Emergency
[19] = 100, -- Military
[20] = 1500, -- Commercial
[21] = 0 -- Trains (lol)
Payout = {
enabled = true, -- if you have in es_extended config Config.EnableSocietyPayouts = false then put this to false, otherwise people will get payout in this script and and via es_extended, if you use SetGangAs = 'metadata' then this doesnt apply, same applies to qb core
payFromBalance = true, -- should people get salary from gang balance?,
interval = 7 * 60000 -- how often to recieve pay checks in milliseconds, (7min)
Discord = {
url = '', -- url here
title = 'Server Name',
['default'] = 14423100,
['blue'] = 255,
['red'] = 16711680,
['green'] = 65280,
['white'] = 16777215,
['black'] = 0,
['orange'] = 16744192,
['yellow'] = 16776960,
['pink'] = 16761035,
['lightgreen'] = 65309,
color = 65309, -- green
imageUrl = '', -- optional, if you dont want it put ''
TagEveryoneFields = { -- here you can handle which log should/or not tag @everyone
mafiaCreating = false, -- when mafia is created by admin
levelUp = false, -- when players level up their mafia
firePeopleOnline = false, -- when players fires people from mafia that are online
firePeopleOffline = false, -- when players fires people from mafia that are offline
firePeopleCheater = true, -- when somebody tries to fire people from mafia without boss grade
hire = false, -- when boss hires new people
hireCheater = true, -- when somebody that doesnt have boss grade tries to hire via cheat
eventCheck = true , -- when tries to execute event via executor
updateGradeCheater = true, -- when somebody tries to update grade for players that doesnt have boss
updateGradeOnline = false, -- when grade is updated for players
moneyWithdraw = false, -- when money is withdrawn from mafia
moneyDeposit = false, -- when money is deposited in mafia
vehicleBuy = false, -- vehicle buying
deleteVehicles = false, -- when admin deletes integrated vehicle from mafia
newVehicle = false, -- when new vehicle is added by admin
updateBoss = false, -- when boss menu marker is updated via command
vehicleMarker = false, -- when vehicle marker is updated via command
heliMarker = false, -- when helicopter marker is updated via command
lvl = false, -- when level marker is updated via command
stashUpdate = false, -- when stash position is updated via command
Vehicles = {
['sport'] = {
{label = 'sport', values = {
{label = 'Adder', model = `adder`, price = 1000, description = '', level = 55 },
{label = 'Zentorno', model = `zentorno`, price = 2000, description = '', level = 1 },
{label = 'T20', model = `t20`, price = 3000, description = '', level = 1 },
['coupes'] = {
{label = 'coupes', values = {
{label = 'Felon', model = `Felon`, price = 1000, description = '', level = 1 },
{label = 'FelonB', model = `felon2`, price = 2000, description = '', level = 1 },
{label = 'Oracle', model = `Oracle`, price = 3000, description = '', level = 1 },
['offroads'] = {
{label = 'offroads', values = {
{label = 'Bfinjection', model = `bfinjection`, price = 1000, description = '', level = 1 },
{label = 'Bifta', model = `bifta`, price = 2000, description = '', level = 1 },
{label = 'Bodhi', model = `bodhi2`, price = 3000, description = '', level = 1 },
function sendNotify(title, description, type)
title = title,
description = description,
duration = 4500,
type = type,
position = 'bottom'
RegisterNetEvent('uniq_mafia:notify', sendNotify)
local illenium = GetResourceState('illenium-appearance'):find('start')
function OpenWardrobe()
if illenium then
function OpenNearbyPlayerInventory(id)
if id then
if Inv.ox then
Inv.exp:openInventory('player', id)
elseif Inv.qb then
TriggerServerEvent("inventory:server:OpenInventory", "otherplayer", id)
function OpenGangStash(id, job)
if Inv.ox then
Inv.exp:openInventory('stash', id)
elseif Inv.qs then
TriggerServerEvent(Config.InventoryPrefix..":server:OpenInventory", "stash", id, {
maxweight = Config.stash[Mafia[job].level][2] * 1000,
slots = Config.stash[Mafia[job].level][1],
TriggerEvent(Config.InventoryPrefix..":client:SetCurrentStash", id)
elseif Inv.qb then
TriggerServerEvent("inventory:server:OpenInventory", "stash", id, {
maxweight = Config.stash[Mafia[job].level][2] * 1000,
slots = Config.stash[Mafia[job].level][1],
TriggerEvent("inventory:client:SetCurrentStash", id)
elseif Inv.core then
TriggerServerEvent('core_inventory:server:openInventory', id, 'stash')
elseif Inv.codem then
TriggerServerEvent('codem-inventory:server:openstash', id, Config.stash[Mafia[job].level][1], Config.stash[Mafia[job].level][2], '')
local qskeys = GetResourceState('qs-vehiclekeys'):find('start')
local wasabikeys = GetResourceState('wasabi_carlock'):find('start')
local qbkeys = GetResourceState('wasabi_carlock'):find('start')
function GiveCarKeys(plate)
if qskeys then
elseif wasabikeys then
elseif qbkeys then
TriggerEvent('qb-vehiclekeys:client:AddKeys', plate)
function RemoveCarKeys(plate)
if qskeys then
local model = GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(cache.vehicle))
exports['qs-vehiclekeys']:RemoveKeys(plate, model)
elseif wasabikeys then
elseif qbkeys then
TriggerEvent('qb-vehiclekeys:client:RemoveKeys', plate)
if IsQBCore() then
local qbox = GetResourceState('qbx_core'):find('start')
local qbcore = GetResourceState('qb-core'):find('start')
function InsertGang(label, name, grades)
if qbox then
local gang = {}
local newValue, newGrades = {}, {}
for k,v in pairs(grades) do
newValue[#newValue+1] = { id = tonumber(k), data = v }
table.sort(newValue, function(a, b)
return <
for k,v in pairs(newValue) do
newGrades[] =
gang[name] = {
label = label,
grades = newGrades,
return exports['qbx_core']:CreateGangs(gang)
elseif qbcore then
local gang = {
label = label,
grades = grades
return QBCore.Functions.AddGang(name, gang)
function SetGang(source, name, grade)
if qbox then
QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)?.Functions.SetGang(name, tonumber(grade))
elseif qbcore then
QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)?.Functions.SetGang(name, tostring(grade))
function GiveSalary(source, salary)
if IsESX() then
ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)?.addAccountMoney('bank', salary, 'Paycheck')
elseif IsQBCore() then
QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)?.Functions.AddMoney('cash', salary, 'Paycheck')
function RegisterGangStash(id, label, level)
if Inv.ox then
Inv.exp:RegisterStash(id, label, Config.stash[tonumber(level)][1], Config.stash[tonumber(level)][2] * 1000, false)
elseif Inv.qs then
Inv.exp:RegisterStash('', id, Config.stash[tonumber(level)][1], Config.stash[tonumber(level)][2])
Last updated