Accessible code

Config = {
    Locale = 'en',

    NotifyPosition = 'top-center',    -- using ox lib notify, position: 'top' or 'top-right' or 'top-left' or 'bottom' or 'bottom-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'center-right' or 'center-left'
    NotifyDuration = 3500,            -- 3.5 sec

    Countdown = 2,                   -- x amount of seconds before the race starts

    Commands = {
        race = {
            name = 'race',                                  -- command for accessing races menu
            restricted = 'group.admin',                     -- group that will have acces to command 
        join = {
            name = 'join',                                  -- command for joining the race
        leave = {
            name = 'leave',                                 -- command for leaving the race
        personalstats = {
            name = 'personalstats',                         -- command for checking personal stats
        details = {
            name = 'details',                               -- commmand for getting info about currently started race
            description = 'Get info about current race',
        racelist = {
            name = 'racelist',
            description = 'Command that shows you all races on server and their specifications',
        leaderboard = {
            name = 'leaderboard',

    BlacklistedJobs = {
        ['police'] = true,

    RaceBlip = {
        sprite = 38,
        display = 2,                        --
        scale = 1.0,
        color = 2

    XP = {
        won = 100,
        second = 50,
        third = 25,
        participating = 10,

    Levels = {
        [1] = 1000,
        [2] = 2000,
        [3] = 3000,
        [4] = 4000,
        [5] = 5000,
        [6] = 6000,
        [7] = 7000,
        [8] = 8000,
        [9] = 9000,
        [10] = 10000,

            you can add more levels, [level] = xp

    -- if driving race solo, should stats be counted (to prevent abusing stats)
    CountStatsSolo = false,

    -- can race start if only one person joined?
    SoloRace = true

Last updated