Accessible code
Config = {
Notify = {
duration = 5000, -- miliseconds
position = 'top-right' -- 'top' or 'top-right' or 'top-left' or 'bottom' or 'bottom-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'center-right' or 'center-left'
RentVehicle = {
Model = "taxi",
Price = 500, -- price for rent
SpawnLocation = {
x = 916.7601,
y = -170.5526,
z = 74.0686,
heading = 102.4279
Time = 300, -- for how long player can be out of vehicle in order not to stop the job
NPCMissions = {
PaymentSplit = {
enabled = true, -- if true, money will be split between driver and society
societyPercentage = 50, -- percentage that goes to society (0-100)
driverPercentage = 50 -- percentage that goes to driver (0-100)
PricePerMeter = 0.5,
NPC_Reward = 500, -- reward for driving npcs (government order)
CompanyPrice = 500000,
Target = {
PedCoords = vector4(885.2797, -177.6391, 74.7003, 233.7115),
ped = "a_m_y_business_03",
distance = 5
NeedJob = false,
JobName = "taxi", -- only if Config.NeedJob is true
Wardrobe = {
Enabled = true,
Uniforms = {
male = {
outfitName = "Taxi Driver Male",
components = {
[3] = {drawable = 11, texture = 0}, -- Torso
[4] = {drawable = 35, texture = 0}, -- Legs
[6] = {drawable = 10, texture = 0}, -- Shoes
[8] = {drawable = 15, texture = 0}, -- Undershirt
[11] = {drawable = 13, texture = 0}, -- Top
female = {
outfitName = "Taxi Driver Female",
components = {
[3] = {drawable = 9, texture = 0}, -- Torso
[4] = {drawable = 34, texture = 0}, -- Legs
[6] = {drawable = 9, texture = 0}, -- Shoes
[8] = {drawable = 15, texture = 0}, -- Undershirt
[11] = {drawable = 86, texture = 0}, -- Top
Location = vector3(894.4448, -181.0158, 75.7002), -- Location of the wardrobe marker
Marker = {
type = 20,
size = {x = 0.7, y = 0.7, z = 0.7},
color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 100}
function giveVehicleKeys(vehicle)
-- presetuped for ESX & QB frameworks
-- Framework
-- your framework loading here
Gov_Orders = {
vector3(881.8501, -515.0347, 57.2119),
vector3(1148.4355, -995.6866, 45.4239),
vector3(1304.9442, -1630.1829, 52.1889),
vector3(424.2299, -1783.1376, 28.7924),
vector3(-18.0380, -1455.9142, 30.4724),
vector3(-191.2565, -1637.3353, 33.3844),
vector3(51.4340, -1904.5940, 21.4959),
vector3(429.8043, -2099.0039, 20.7244)
Gov_Config = {
NPCModels = {
Animations = {
Enter = "mini@strip_club@enter_walk_enter",
Exit = "mini@strip_club@exit_walk_exit"
Timings = {
EnterTimeout = 20, -- seconds to wait for NPC to enter vehicle
ExitWalkAway = 5, -- seconds to wait before deleting NPC after walking away
ExitAnimation = 2 -- seconds to wait for exit animation
WalkAwayDistance = 50.0 -- units for NPC to walk away before despawning
Markers = {}
Markers.Coords = {
GetEmployed = {
x = 895.3169,
y = -179.5863,
z = 74.7003
Markers.Types = { -- (the marker type to draw)
GetEmployed = 1,
GovernmentOrder = 1
Markers.Colors = {
GetEmployed = {
r = 255,
g = 239,
b = 0
GovernmentOrder = {
r = 255,
g = 239,
b = 0
Translation = {}
Translation = {
Button = {
GetEmployed = "Get Employed",
Leave = "Leave"
TaxiJob = "Cab Driver Job",
NotBought = "NOT BOUGHT",
NotEmployed = "You are not employed as a taxi driver",
AlreadyRented = "You've already rented taxi vehicle",
SuccessfullyRented = "Taxi successfully rented",
NotEnoughMoney = "You don't have enough money",
BoughtCompany = "Taxi Company successfully bought",
PassengerBoarded = "Passenger boarded, take him to the desired location marked on the GPS",
GovJobStarted = "Job started, go to the waypoint marked on the GPS",
GovOrderFinished = "You have successfully government order and received $%s",
NewOrder = "The taxi company has just received a new order, use 'J' and view the order",
GovOrderFinishedSplit = "You have completed the order! You made $%d and the taxi company got $%d",
WardrobeTitle = "Taxi Wardrobe",
WardrobePrompt = "[E] Access Wardrobe",
PutOnUniform = "Put On Uniform",
PutOnUniformDesc = "Change into your work uniform",
TakeOffUniform = "Take Off Uniform",
TakeOffUniformDesc = "Change back to your regular clothes",
UniformPutOn = "You have changed into your work uniform",
UniformTakenOff = "You have changed back to your regular clothes",
NoOutfitToRestore = "No previous outfit to restore",
VehicleSelection = "Choose Your Taxi",
VehiclePrice = "Rental Cost: $%d",
[1] = "Access the boss menu",
[2] = "Boss Menu",
[3] = "Withdraw Money",
[4] = "Money In Society",
[5] = "Withdraw money from Taxi Company",
[6] = "Withdrawal Amount",
[7] = "You have successfully withdrawn $%s from Taxi Company",
[8] = "Sell Taxi Company",
[9] = "Sell Taxi Company to the Government",
[10] = "Company Value",
[11] = "Confirmation Menu",
[12] = "Are you sure you want to sell the company?",
[13] = "You have successfully sold Taxi Company for $%s",
[14] = "You don't have job as a Taxi Driver"
AddEventHandler("uniq-taxi:client:sendAlert", function()
local ped = PlayerPedId()
local position = GetEntityCoords(ped)
local fposition = {x = position.x, y = position.y, z = position.z}
QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback("uniq-taxi:server:addTaxiCall", function() end, fposition)
taxiAlert() -- send message to all employed taxis
RegisterCommand("calltaxi", function()
function sendNotify(title, description, type)
title = title,
description = description,
duration = Config.Notify.duration,
type = type,
position = Config.Notify.position
RegisterNetEvent('uniq-taxi:notify', sendNotify)
inordersmenu = false
RegisterCommand("+taxiorders", function()
if LocalPlayer.state.rentedVehicle and (not inordersmenu) and (not LocalPlayer.state.govOrderStarted) then
SendNUIMessage({type = "show_orders", status = true})
SetNuiFocus(true, true)
inordersmenu = true
RegisterKeyMapping('+taxiorders', 'Show Taxi Orders', 'keyboard', 'J')
Last updated