Accessible code

Shared = {
    Locale = 'en',

    Notify = {
        duration = 5000, -- miliseconds
        position = 'top-right' -- 'top' or 'top-right' or 'top-left' or 'bottom' or 'bottom-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'center-right' or 'center-left'
    Logs = {
        enabled = true,
        webhook = '',
        servername = 'Uniq Scripts',
        color = 6579450,
        icon_url = ''

    Commands = {
        elevator = {
            name = 'elevator',              -- command for accessing elevator menu: create elevator, delete elevator, elevators list
            restricted = 'group.admin',     -- group that will have acces to command 

    Keys = { --
        finish = 191,
        cancel = 194,
        delete = 256,
        accessElevator = 38,

    TextUI = true, -- enable/disable text ui
    TextUI_Position = 'top-center', -- 'right-center' or 'left-center' or 'top-center'

    MinFloors = 2, -- minimum amount of floors admin must create (2 recommended)
    MaxFloors = 10, -- maximum amount of floors admin can create

    ClosestRadius = 10, -- radius in which the script will search for the nearest elevator that needs to be deleted when the "closest" option is selected

    UseMarker = true, -- whether to use marker or not (textUI will still be shown)

    Distance = {
        marker = 10, -- distance from which the elevator marker will be seen
        textui = 2 -- distance from which the textui will be seen
    Target = "qb-target", -- Set to "ox_target", "qb-target" or "" (empty string) to disable target system

Last updated