Accessible Code
Config = {
locale = 'en',
versionCheck = true,
alignMenu = 'top-right',
alignTextUI = 'right-center',
useTarget = false,
targetType = 'ox', -- ox, qb
targetDistance = 2.0,
commands = {
name = 'banks',
permission = 'group.admin',
help = 'Bank Menu (Create Bank, Delete Bank, Edit Banks, Refresh Data)'
whitelistedSocieties = {
'police', 'ambulance'
addressSheme = 'xxx-xxx-xxx',
maintenancePayDays = 7,
maxPersonalAccountPerBank = 2,
maxSocietyAccountPerBank = 1,
maxOwnedBanks = 2,
changenamePrice = 5000,
maxTaxValue = 50,
personalAccountIconColor = 'lightblue',
societyAccountIconColor = 'green',
drawPoint = 10.0,
intaractionDistance = 1.5,
markers = {
bank = {
id = 29,
color = { r = 27, g = 111, b = 226, a = 100 },
rotating = true,
jumping = false,
size = vec3(0.25, 0.25, 0.25),
rotate = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
boss = {
id = 20,
color = { r = 27, g = 111, b = 226, a = 100 },
rotating = true,
jumping = false,
size = vec3(0.25, 0.25, 0.25),
rotate = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
atmBlip = {
enable = true,
id = 108,
color = 2,
scale = 0.5,
display = 4
atms = {
{ price = 5000, coords = vec3(-386.733, 6045.953, 31.501) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-284.037, 6224.385, 31.187) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-135.165, 6365.738, 31.101) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-94.9690, 6455.301, 31.784) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(155.4300, 6641.991, 31.784) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(174.6720, 6637.218, 31.784) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(1703.138, 6426.783, 32.730) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(1735.114, 6411.035, 35.164) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(1702.842, 4933.593, 42.051) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(1967.333, 3744.293, 32.272) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(1821.917, 3683.483, 34.244) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(540.0420, 2671.007, 42.177) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(2564.399, 2585.100, 38.016) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(2558.683, 349.6010, 108.050) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(2558.051, 389.4817, 108.660) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(1077.692, -775.796, 58.218) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(1139.018, -469.886, 66.789) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(1168.975, -457.241, 66.641) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(1153.884, -326.540, 69.245) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(381.2827, 323.2518, 103.270) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(236.4638, 217.4718, 106.840) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(265.0043, 212.1717, 106.780) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(285.2029, 143.5690, 104.970) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(157.7698, 233.5450, 106.450) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-164.568, 233.5066, 94.919) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1827.04, 785.5159, 138.020) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1409.39, -99.2603, 52.473) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1205.35, -325.579, 37.870) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-2072.41, -316.959, 13.345) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-2975.72, 379.7737, 14.992) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-2955.70, 488.7218, 15.486) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-3044.22, 595.2429, 7.595) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-3144.13, 1127.415, 20.868) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-3241.10, 996.6881, 12.500) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-3241.11, 1009.152, 12.877) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1305.40, -706.240, 25.352) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-538.225, -854.423, 29.234) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-711.156, -818.958, 23.768) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-717.614, -915.880, 19.268) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-526.566, -1222.90, 18.434) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-256.831, -719.646, 33.444) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-203.548, -861.588, 30.205) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(112.4102, -776.162, 31.427) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(112.9290, -818.710, 31.386) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(119.9000, -883.826, 31.191) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-846.304, -340.402, 38.687) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1204.35, -324.391, 37.877) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-56.1935, -1752.53, 29.452) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-261.692, -2012.64, 30.121) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-273.001, -2025.60, 30.197) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(24.589, -946.056, 29.357) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-254.112, -692.483, 33.616) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1570.197, -546.651, 34.955) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1415.909, -211.825, 46.500) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1430.112, -211.014, 46.500) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(33.232, -1347.849, 29.497) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(129.216, -1292.347, 29.269) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(287.645, -1282.646, 29.659) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(289.012, -1256.545, 29.440) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(295.839, -895.640, 29.217) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(1686.753, 4815.809, 42.008) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-302.408, -829.945, 32.417) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(5.134, -919.949, 29.557) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(527.26, -160.76, 57.09) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-867.19, -186.99, 37.84) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-821.62, -1081.88, 11.13) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1315.32, -835.96, 16.96) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-660.71, -854.06, 24.48) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1109.73, -1690.81, 4.37) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1091.5, 2708.66, 18.95) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(1171.98, 2702.55, 38.18) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(2683.09, 3286.53, 55.24) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(89.61, 2.37, 68.31) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-30.3, -723.76, 44.23) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-28.07, -724.61, 44.23) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-613.24, -704.84, 31.24) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-618.84, -707.9, 30.5) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1289.23, -226.77, 42.45) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1285.6, -224.28, 42.45) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1286.24, -213.39, 42.45) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(-1282.54, -210.45, 42.45) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(147.6513, -1035.8063, 29.3430) },
{ price = 2500, coords = vec3(145.9408, -1035.1638, 29.3449) },
Utils = {}
Utils.Notification = function(title, description, type, duration)
title = title,
description = description,
type = type,
duration = duration or 5000
Utils = {}
Utils.Notification = function(src, title, description, type, duration)
TriggerClientEvent('ox_lib:notify', src, {
title = title,
description = description,
type = type,
duration = duration
Locales['en'] = {
menu = {
banks = {
title = 'Banks Menu',
createbank = 'Create Bank',
deletebank = 'Delete Bank',
editbanks = 'Edit Banks',
context = {
atmmenuTitle = 'Accounts',
account = 'Account %s',
na = 'N/A',
personalTitle = 'Personal Accounts',
personalDesc = 'Current Balance: $%s\nAccount Address: %s\nThe next payment deadline is: %s\nShare the account with: %s',
societyTitle = 'Society Accounts',
societyDesc = 'Current Balance: $%s\nAccount Address: %s\nThe next payment deadline is: %s\nSociety Name: %s\nShare the account with: %s',
depositMoneyTitle = 'Deposit Money',
depositMoneyDesc = 'Click to leave money in your account',
depositMoneyInBankDesc = 'Deposit money in your bank',
depositMoneyOnAccountDesc = 'Deposit money to the %s account',
withdrawMoneyTitle = 'Withdraw Money',
withdrawMoneyDesc = 'Click to withdraw money from your account',
withdrawMoneyFromBankDesc = 'Withdraw money from your bank',
bossmenuTitle = 'Boss Menu',
bankInfoTitle = 'Bank Info',
bankInfoDesc = 'Check your bank information',
changeNameTitle = 'Change Bank Name',
changeNamePriceDesc = 'Change the name of the bank for %s$',
moneySettingsTitle = 'Money Settings',
moneySettingsDesc = 'Manage you money from your bank',
manageAccountTitle = 'Manage Accounts',
manageAccountDesc = 'List of all accounts in your bank',
manageATMSTitle = 'Manage Atms',
manageATMSDesc = 'Buy or sell those ATMs',
manageAccountsTitle = 'Manage Accounts',
extendMaintenanceTitle = 'Extend account maintenance',
extendMaintenanceDesc = 'Extend account maintenance',
accountHistoryTitle = 'Account History',
accountHistoryDesc = 'Click to check account action history',
closeAccountTitle = 'Close Account',
closeAccountDesc = 'Terminate your account so it can no longer be used',
availableATMsTitle = 'Available ATMs',
availableATMsDesc = 'Click to buy this atm for %s$',
ownedATMTitle = 'Owned ATMs',
ATMTitle = 'ATM #%s',
ATMDesc = 'Click to sold this atm for %s$',
balanceTitle = 'Balance: %s$',
createNewAccountTitle = 'Create New Account',
bankMenuTitle = '%s Bank',
bankMenuDesc = 'Access to many options to help you to modify this bank',
transferMoneyTitle = 'Transfer Money',
transferMoneyDesc = 'Click to send money to another account',
accessSettingsTitle = 'Access Settings',
accessSettingsDesc = 'Click to change access to players on your account',
transferOwnershipTitle = 'Transfer Ownership',
transferOwnershipDesc = 'Click to change the owner of this account',
deleteAccountTitle = 'Delete Account',
deleteAccountDesc = 'Click to permanently delete this account',
copyAccountAddressTitle = 'Copy Account Address',
copyAccountAddressDesc = 'Click to copy your address',
playersListTitle = 'Players List',
noPlayersTitle = 'No Players',
playerAccessDesc = 'Click to change access or remove player',
changeAccessTitle = 'Change Access',
changeAccessDesc = 'Click to change player access',
removeAccessTitle = 'Remove Access',
removeAccessDesc = 'Click to remove player access',
addNewPlayerTitle = 'Add New Player',
banksListTitle = 'Banks List',
changeAccountSettingsTitle = 'Change Accounts Settings',
changeAccountSettingsDesc = 'Turn on/off Permission to create social accounts as well as enable free first account and account maintenance cost',
updateBankTaxTitle = 'Update Bank Tax',
updateBankTaxDesc = 'Change the bank tax that the bank receives during transactions',
updateAtmListTitle = 'Update ATM List',
updateAtmListDesc = 'Update the list of ATMs owned by this bank',
updateBalanceTitle = 'Update Balance',
updateBalanceDesc = 'Change the balance of this bank',
changePriceTitle = 'Change Price',
changePriceDesc = 'Change the buy price this bank',
changeBossMenuLocationTitle = 'Change Boss Location',
changeBossMenuLocationDesc = 'Change the location of the boss menu',
changeBankLocationTitle = 'Change Bank Location',
changeBankLocationDesc = 'Change the location of the bank',
enableBlipTitle = 'Enable Blip',
enableBlipDesc = 'Turn on the blip on the maps on this bank',
disableBlipTitle = 'Disable Blip',
disableBlipDesc = 'Turn off the map blip on this bank',
changeNameDesc = 'Change the current name of this bank',
dialog = {
buyBank = {
title = 'Want to buy?',
description = 'Are you sure you want to buy the bank %s for %s $'
bankInfo = {
title = 'Bank Info',
description = {
('Bank Name: %s \n'),
('Bank Balance: %s$ \n'),
('Owned Atms: %s \n\n'),
('Number of Personal Accounts: %s \n'),
('Number of Society Accounts: %s \n\n'),
('Free Trail Account: %s \n'),
('Society Accounts: %s \n'),
('Account Maintenance: %s$ \n'),
('Tax: %s%%'),
openAccount = {
title = 'Do you want to open account for %s'
closeAccount = {
title = 'Are you sure you want to close account %s? With that, the account owner will lose everything he had on the account'
deleteAccount = {
title = 'Are you sure you want to delete the account %s. Therefore, you will lose all money from your account if you delete it.'
buyAtm = {
title = 'Are you sure you want to buy ATM #%s for %s$',
sellAtm = {
title = 'Are you sure you want to sold ATM #%s for %s$',
removeAccess = {
title = 'Are you sure you want to remove account access for player %s',
confirmation = 'Confirmation',
yes = 'Yes',
no = 'No',
free = 'Free'
textUI = {
placeBankLocation = '[ENTER] - Place Bank Location \n[BACKSPACE] - Cancel',
placeBossLocation = '[ENTER] - Place Boss Menu Location \n[BACKSPACE] - Cancel',
openBank = '[E] - Open Bank Menu',
openATM = '[E] - Open ATM',
openBoss = '[E] - Open Boss Menu',
target = {
openBank = 'Open Bank',
openBoss = 'Open Boss Menu',
openAtm = 'Open ATM',
input = {
createbank = {
title = 'Create Bank',
bankname_title = 'Bank Name',
bankname_desc = 'Enter the name you want your bank to be called',
bankprice_title = 'Bank Price',
bankprice_desc = 'Enter the bank price at which people will buy',
selectowner_title = 'Select Owner',
selectowner_desc = 'Choose the player you want to give ownership of this bank',
selectbankatm_title = 'Select Atms',
selectbankatm_desc = 'Select the ATMs you want to give to this bank at the beginning.',
selectatm_options_title = 'Atm #%s',
banktax_title = 'Bank Tax',
banktax_desc = 'The fee that the bank will charge for each transaction',
startbalance_title = 'Start Balance',
startbalance_desc = 'The money the bank will receive at the beginning when you create it',
maintenance_title = 'Bank Account Maintenance',
maintenance_desc = 'The amount each player will pay when maintaining an account',
enablesocietyaccounts = 'Enable Society Accounts',
unlimitedmoney = 'Unlimited Money',
enablefreetrielaccount = 'Enable Free Trial Account',
enableblip = 'Enable Bank Blip',
createAccount = {
title = 'Create Account',
accountName = 'Account Name',
selectAccountType = 'Select Account Type',
playerAccess = 'Player Access',
blip = {
title = 'Blip Settings',
blipId = 'Blip ID',
blipScale = 'Blip Scale',
blipColor = 'Blip Color',
changeNameTitle = 'Change Bank Name',
enterNewNameTitle = 'Enter New Name',
enterAmount = 'Enter Amount',
depositMoney = 'Deposit Money on %s',
extendMaintenanceTitle = 'Extend account maintenance',
playerAccessTitle = '%s Access',
selectAccess = 'Select Access',
selectPlayer = 'Select Player',
enterIdentifier = 'Enter Identifier',
selectAction = 'Select Action',
transferOwnership = 'Transfer Ownership',
transferMoney = 'Transfer Money',
enterAddress = 'Enter Address',
addAccessTitle = 'Add Access',
players = 'Players',
deleteBankTitle = 'Delete Bank',
selectBank = 'Select Bank',
changeAccountSettingsTitle = 'Change Accounts Settings',
updateBankTaxTitle = 'Update Bank Tax',
updateAtmList = 'Update ATM List',
selectAtm = 'Select ATM',
selectNewOwner = 'Select New Owner',
changeBalanceTitle = 'Change Balance',
changePriceTitle = 'Change Price',
options = {
depositMoney = 'Deposit Money',
withdrawMoney = 'Withdraw Money',
transferMoney = 'Transfer Money',
accountHistory = 'Account History',
personal = 'Personal',
society = 'Society',
onlinePlayer = 'Online Player',
offlinePlayer = 'Offline Player',
noOwner = 'No Owner',
blip = {
available_atm = 'Available Atm'
notify = {
error = {
title = 'Error',
max_bank = 'You cannot buy a bank because you have a maximum number of banks which is %s',
need_openaccount = 'In order to use this ATM, you must first create an account',
invalid_address = 'You must enter a valid address',
same_address = 'You cannot send money to yourself',
max_account = 'You cannot create an account because you have the maximum number of accounts',
account_in_minus = 'You cannot create a new account because one of your accounts is in the minus',
no_money_account = 'You dont have enough money to create an account',
no_money_atm = 'You dont have enough money to buy ATM',
success = {
title = 'Success',
bank_created = 'You have successfully created a %s Bank',
account_created = 'You have successfully created a %s account in %s bank',
deposited_money = 'You have successfully deposited $%s into your bank account',
withdrawn_money = 'You have successfully withdrawn $%s from your bank account',
transfered_money = 'You have successfully transfered $%s to address %s',
added_access = 'You have successfully added a new player to the access list',
updated_access = 'You have successfully updated the players account access',
transfered_ownership = 'You have successfully transferred ownership to %s',
deleted_account = 'You have successfully deleted the %s account from %s bank',
deleted_bank = 'You have successfully deleted %s bank',
name_changed_price = 'You have successfully changed the name of the bank to %s for $%s',
name_changed = 'You have successfully changed the name of the bank to %s',
bought_atm = 'You have successfully purchased ATM #%s for $%s',
sold_atm = 'You have successfully sold ATM #%s for $%s',
deposited_money_account = 'You have successfully added $%s to your %s account',
extended_account_time = 'You have successfully extended the invoice payment deadline until %s',
closed_account = 'You have successfully closed your %s bank account',
purchased_bank = 'You have successfully purchased a %s Bank for $%s',
disabled_blip = 'You have successfully turned off the blip option',
enabled_blip = 'You have successfully turned on the blip option',
bank_location_changed = 'You have successfully changed your bank location',
boss_location_changed = 'You have successfully changed the boss menu location',
price_changed = 'You have successfully changed the price of the bank to $%s',
balance_changed = 'You have successfully changed your bank balance to $%s',
ownership_transfered = 'You have successfully changed the owner of the bank.',
atm_list_changed = 'You have successfully changed the list of ATMs',
tax_changed = 'You have successfully changed the tax to %s%%',
account_settings_changed = 'You have successfully changed your account settings',
Last updated