Accessible code
Framework = {}
PlayerData = {}
-- if your framework is renamed then change it here
local es_extended = 'es_extended'
local qb_core = 'qb-core'
local esx = GetResourceState(es_extended):find('start')
local qb = GetResourceState(qb_core):find('start')
if esx then
Framework = { esx = true, name = es_extended }
elseif qb then
Framework = { qb = true, name = qb_core }
SetTimeout(1000, function()
if table.type(Framework) == 'empty' then
for i = 1, 5 do
warn(("No framework resource was found, check %s/framework.lua"):format(cache.resource))
Config = {
Locale = 'en',
Commands = {
Radars = {
name = 'radars',
help = 'Open radars control panel',
Events = {
esx = {
loaded = 'esx:playerLoaded',
logout = 'esx:onPlayerLogout',
setjob = 'esx:setJob'
qb = {
loaded = 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded',
logout = 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerUnload',
setjob = 'QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate',
-- rest of config is in game
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"save": "Save",
"status": "Status",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"relocate": "Relocate",
"select": "Select",
"selected": "Selected",
"teleport": "Teleport",
"delete": "Delete",
"activate": "Activate",
"deactivate": "Dectivate",
"settings": "Settings",
"only_admin": "Admin Only",
"speed": "Speed",
"admin_required": "Admin access required",
"teleport_to_radar": "Teleport To Radar",
"delete_radar": "Delete Radar",
"search_radars": "Search radars",
"speed_limit": "Speed Limit",
"dialog_title": "Dialog Title",
"field_required": "This field is required",
"edit_speed": "Edit Speed",
"new_speed_value": "Enter new speed value",
"confirm_required": "Confirmation Required",
"confirmation_required": "Confirmation is required",
"confirm_required_sure": "Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"activate_radar": "Activate Radar",
"deactivate_radar": "Dectivate Radar",
"sure_activate": "Are you sure you want to activate this radar",
"sure_deactivate": "Are you sure you want to deactivate this radar",
"sure_delete_radar": "Are you sure you want to delete this radar?",
"sure_teleport_to_radar": "Are you sure you want to teleport to this radar",
"enter_valid_hex_color": "Please enter a valid hex color",
"radarExists": "A radar with this name already exists",
"name_too_long": "Name cannot be longer than 15 characters",
"generalSettings": "General Settings",
"allowed_jobs": "Allowed Jobs",
"whitelisted_vehicles": "Whitelisted Vehicles",
"radar_prop": "Radar Prop",
"instant_money_remove": "Instant Money Remove",
"money_type": "Money Type",
"cash": "Cash",
"bank": "Bank",
"speed_unit": "Speed Unit",
"multiplier": "Multiplier (speed * multiplier = price, if above limit)",
"fine_cooldown": "Fine Cooldown (seconds)",
"keys": "Keys",
"finish": "Finish",
"moveup": "Move Up",
"movedown": "Move Down",
"moveright": "Move Right",
"moveleft": "Move Left",
"moveforward": "Move Forward",
"moveback": "Move Back",
"rotateright": "Rotate Right",
"rotateleft": "Rotate Left",
"increase_distance": "Increase Distance",
"reduce_distance": "Reduce Distance",
"logs": "Logs",
"enable_logs": "Enable Logs",
"webhookURL": "Webhook URL",
"enterURL": "Enter Discord webhook URL",
"botName": "Bot Name",
"identityType": "Identity Type",
"identityType1": "Steam Name",
"identityType2": "RP Name",
"webhookColor": "Webhook Color",
"radarSettings": "Radar Settings",
"radarActive": "Radar Active",
"radarName": "Radar Name",
"blipsSettings": "Blips Settings",
"enableBlips": "Enable Blips",
"blipLabel": "Blip Label",
"blipID": "Blip ID",
"blipScale": "Blip Scale",
"blipColor": "Blip Color",
"addNewradar": "Add New Radar",
"addNewRadarDesc": "Configure radar settings below",
"createRadar": "Create Radar",
"basicSettings": "Basic Settings",
"radarStatus": "Radar Status",
"enterSpeedLimit": "Enter speed limit",
"blipSettings": "Blip Settings",
"blipStatus": "Blip Status",
"enterBlipID": "Enter Blip ID",
"enterBlipColorID": "Enter Blip Color ID",
"enterBlipScale": "Enter Blip Scale",
"manage_radars": "Manage Radars",
"no_permission": "You don't have permission to use this command",
"placeing_object": [
"[ [ ] - Rotate left \n",
"[ ] ] - Rotate right \n",
"[ ↑ ] - Move Forward \n",
"[ ↓ ] - Move Back \n",
"[ → ] - Move Right \n",
"[ ← ] - Move Left \n",
"[ Q ] - Move Up \n",
"[ Z ] - Move Down \n",
"[ ENTER ] - Finish \n",
"[ BACKSPACE ] - Cancel \n"
"placeing_radius": [
"[ - ] - Increase Distance \n",
"[ + ] - Increase Distance \n",
"[ ↑ ] - Move Forward \n",
"[ ↓ ] - Move Back \n",
"[ → ] - Move Right \n",
"[ ← ] - Move Left \n",
"[ Q ] - Move Up \n",
"[ Z ] - Move Down \n",
"[ ENTER ] - Finish \n",
"[ BACKSPACE ] - Cancel \n"
"success_cancel": "You successfully cancel action",
"paid_fine": "You paid €%s fine for driving above limit, limit: %s, your speed: %s",
"log_title_created": "Radar Created",
"log_title_msg": "%s created new radar %s at %s",
"radar_deleted_title": "Radar Deleted",
"radar_deleted_msg": "%s has deleted radar %s",
"radar_activated_title": "Radar Activated",
"radar_activated_msg": "%s has activated radar %s",
"radar_deactivated_title": "Radar Deactivated",
"radar_deactivated_msg": "%s has deactivated radar %s",
"radar_name_edited_title": "Radar Name Edited",
"radar_name_edited_msg": "%s has renamed %s to %s",
"radar_speed_edited_title": "Radar Speed Edited",
"radar_speed_edited_msg": "%s has edited speed of %s to %s",
"radar_blip_activated_title": "Radar Blip Activated",
"radar_blip_activated_msg": "%s has activated %s blip",
"radar_blip_deactivated_title": "Radar Blip Deactivated",
"radar_blip_deactivated_msg": "%s has deactivated %s blip",
"radar_blip_label_changed_title": "Radar Blip Label Changed",
"radar_blip_label_changed_msg": "%s has changed %s blip label to %s",
"radar_blip_id_changed_title": "Radar Blip Id Changed",
"radar_blip_id_changed_msg": "%s has changed %s blip id to %s",
"radar_blip_scale_changed_title": "Radar Blip Scale Changed",
"radar_blip_scale_changed_msg": "%s has changed %s blip scale to %s",
"radar_blip_color_changed_title": "Radar Blip Color Changed",
"radar_blip_color_changed_msg": "%s has changed %s blip color to %s"
function Notify(description, type)
description = description,
duration = 4500,
type = type,
position = 'bottom'
RegisterNetEvent('uniq_radarsystem2:Notify', Notify)
function IsAdmin(playerId)
return IsPlayerAceAllowed(playerId, 'command')
function SendBill(playerId, price)
local identifier = GetIdentifier(playerId) -- in case you need
-- data.playerId
-- data.price
-- data.limit
-- data.myspeed
function PayFine(data)
local notify = false
if GlobalState.Settings.general.instantMoneyRemove == true then
if Framework.esx then
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(data.playerId)
if xPlayer then
if GlobalState.Settings.general.moneyType == 'money' then
local money = xPlayer.getInventoryItem('money').count or 0
if money >= data.price then
xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('money', data.price)
notify = true
SendBill(data.playerId, data.price)
elseif GlobalState.Settings.general.moneyType == 'bank' then
local money = xPlayer.getAccount('bank')?.money or 0
if money >= data.price then
xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('bank', data.price)
notify = true
local xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(data.playerId)
if GlobalState.Settings.general.moneyType == 'money' then
local money = xPlayer.Functions.GetMoney('cash') or 0
if money >= data.price then
xPlayer.Functions.RemoveMoney('cash', data.price)
notify = true
SendBill(data.playerId, data.price)
elseif GlobalState.Settings.general.moneyType == 'bank' then
local money = xPlayer.Functions.GetMoney('bank') or 0
if money >= data.price then
xPlayer.Functions.RemoveMoney('bank', data.price)
notify = true
SendBill(data.playerId, data.price)
SendBill(data.playerId, data.price)
if notify then
TriggerClientEvent('uniq_radarsystem2:Notify', data.playerId, Locales.paid_fine:format(data.price, data.limit, data.myspeed))
Last updated