
In this section you can find how to install the resource properly

Install dependencies

  • Download the latest

  • Open and copy the ox_lib folder to your server's resources folder

  • Add ensure ox_lib right after ensure es_extended or qb-core in your server.cfg

  • Download the latest .

  • Open and copy the oxmysql folder to your server's resources folder

  • Add ensure oxmysql right after ensure es_extended or qb-core in your server.cfg

Script Install

  • Download from keymaster.

  • Copy script folder to your server's resources folder

  • in server cfg add following:

add_ace group.YOURWANTEDGROUP command.deleteserver allow
add_ace group.YOURWANTEDGROUP command.tptoserver allow
add_ace group.YOURWANTEDGROUP command.toggleblip allow

Example for admin group

add_ace group.admin command.deleteserver allow
add_ace group.admin command.tptoserver allow
add_ace group.admin command.toggleblip allow

If this doesnt work for you on QBCore do following:

add_ace qbcore.YOURWANTEDGROUP command.deleteserver allow
add_ace qbcore.YOURWANTEDGROUP command.tptoserver allow
add_ace qbcore.YOURWANTEDGROUP command.toggleblip allow

Add Items

Ox Inventory

['crypto_server'] = {
   label = 'Crypto Server',

['graphic_card'] = {
   label = 'Graphic Card',

['power_supply'] = {
   label = 'Power Supply',

QB Core

["crypto_server"] = {name = 'crypto_server', label = 'Crypto Server', weight = 20000, type = 'item', image = 'crypto_server.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = ''},
["graphic_card"] = {name = 'graphic_card', label = 'Graphic Card', weight = 2000, type = 'item', image = 'graphic_card.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = ''},
["power_supply"] = {name = 'power_supply', label = 'Power Supply', weight = 2000, type = 'item', image = 'power_supply.png', unique = false, useable = false, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = ''},

QS Inventory

    ['crypto_server'] = {
        ['name'] = 'crypto_server',
        ['label'] = 'Crypto Server',
        ['weight'] = 100,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'none.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = ''
    ['graphic_card'] = {
        ['name'] = 'graphic_card',
        ['label'] = 'Graphic Card',
        ['weight'] = 100,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'none.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = ''
    ['power_supply'] = {
        ['name'] = 'power_supply',
        ['label'] = 'Power Supply',
        ['weight'] = 100,
        ['type'] = 'item',
        ['image'] = 'none.png',
        ['unique'] = true,
        ['useable'] = true,
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['combinable'] = nil,
        ['description'] = ''

Last updated