Accessible code

Config = {
    EnableLogs = false,

    DiscordWebhook = '',
    ServerName = 'SERVER NAME',
    AvatarURL = '',
    EmbedColor = 5527807,

    VersioChecking = true,
    GiveInvoiceDistance = 5.0,
    RolePlayNames = false,
    Tax = 10, -- min 1 max 100
    ExpireDate = 7,

    Commands = {
        Enable = true,
        CreateInvoice = 'createinvoice',
        MyInvoices = 'myinvoices',
        SocietyInvoices = 'societyinvoices',

    ReciveMoneyInCash = true,
    CashType = 'money',

    InvoiceList = {
        ['police'] = { -- JOB NAME
            mingrade = 0,
            reasonlist = {
                { label = 'Other', isforCustom = true }, -- dont touch
                { label = 'Speeding', price = 500 },
                { label = 'Red Light', price = 450 },
                { label = 'Illegal U-Turn', price = 250 },
        ['mechanic'] = {
            mingrade = 0,
            reasonlist = {
                { label = 'Other', isforCustom = true }, -- dont touch
                { label = 'Vehicle Repair', price = 500 },
                { label = 'Vehicle Clean', price = 150 },

    Translate = {
        ['create_invoice'] = 'Create Invoice',
        ['my_invoices'] = 'My Invoices',
        ['society_invoices'] = 'Society Invoices',
        ['confirm'] = 'Confirm',
        ['create'] = 'Create',
        ['cancel'] = 'Cancel',
        ['amount'] = 'Amount',
        ['reason'] = 'Reason',
        ['price'] = 'Price',
        ['sender'] = 'Sender',
        ['recipient'] = 'Recipient',
        ['tax'] = 'Tax',
        ['pay'] = 'Pay',

        ['notpaid'] = 'NOT PAID',
        ['paid'] = 'PAID',
        ['canceled'] = 'CANCELED',
        ['expired'] = 'EXPIRED',
        ['view'] = 'VIEW',
        ['no_permission'] = 'You do not have permission for this command',
        ['min_grade'] = 'You need a minimum grade to access',
        ['no_money'] = 'You dont have enough money',

        ['invoice_paid'] = 'You have successfully paid invoice #%s for %s$',
        ['invoice_canceled'] = 'You have successfully canceled invoice #%s',

        ['total_price'] = 'Total Price',
        ['select_type'] = 'Select invoice type',
        ['invoice'] = 'Invoice',
        ['status'] = 'Status',
        ['actions'] = 'Actions',
        ['received_date'] = 'Received Date',
        ['expire_date'] = 'Expire Date',
        ['player_info'] = 'If you pay the invoice now, tax will not be included in the price of the invoice!',
        ['search'] = 'Search ID',

        ['time_log'] = 'Time',
        ['getinvoice_log'] = '**INVOICE ID: #%s**\n\n**Action:** Received\n\n**Recipient:** %s\n\n**Sender:** %s\n\n**Price:** %s$\n\n**Reason:** %s\n\n**Job:** %s\n\n**Received Date:** %s\n\n**Expire Date:** %s',
        ['cancelinvoice_log'] = '**INVOICE ID: #%s**\n\n**Action:** Canceled\n\n**Player:** %s',
        ['payinvoice_log'] = '**INVOICE ID: #%s**\n\n**Action:** Paid\n\n**Player:** %s\n\n**Price:** %s$',
        ['notify_success'] = 'SUCCESS',
        ['notify_error'] = 'ERROR',

function SetMoneyToSociety(amount, job)


Last updated