This script contains 4files that can be edited with the escrow version:
You can create as many locales you want and configure which one you will use in config/config.lua. This resource can be completely translated with locales.
Edit notifications
Implement custom exports/triggers
Edit logs system
Edit /safezonecreator command
Shared = { Locale ='en', Notify = { duration =5000, -- miliseconds position ='top-right' -- 'top' or 'top-right' or 'top-left' or 'bottom' or 'bottom-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'center-right' or 'center-left' }, Logs = { enabled =true, webhook ='', servername ='Uniq Scripts', color =6579450, icon_url ='' }, Commands = { safezonecreator = { name ='safezonecreator', -- command for accessing creator menu: create safe zone, delete safe zone, safe zones list restricted ='group.admin', -- group that will have acces to command } }, Keys = { -- finish =191, cancel =194, finishPlacingPoints =47, }, TextUI_Position ='top-center', -- 'right-center' or 'left-center' or 'top-center' TextUI = { text ='You are in the Safe Zone', icon ='shield-alt', style = { borderRadius =5, backgroundColor ='#6464fa', color ='white' } }, CreatorOptions = { -- enable or disable options in safe zone admin creator menu - *THIS ONLY DECIDES WHETHER THESE FEATURES WILL BE ENABLED WHEN CREATING THE SAFE ZONE, IF YES THE ADMIN WILL STILL HAVE TO CHECK/UNCHECK THE OPTIONS WHEN CREATING THE SAFE ZONE IF HE WANT TO TURN THEM ON/OFF FOR THE SAFE ZONE* maxVehSpeed =true, textUI =true, driveBy =true, weapons =true, players_invisible =true, vehicles_invisible =true, debugMode =true }, MaxSpeedMultiplier =3.6, -- 3.6 for kmh, 2.236936 for mph MaxPoints =30, -- the maximum amount of points that can be made ClosestRadius =10, -- radius in which the script will search for the nearest safe zone that needs to be deleted when the "closest" option is selected}