Config File

Config file for "Advanced Ped Creator"

This script contains 4 files that can be edited with the escrow version:

  • locales/*.lua

    • You can create as many locales you want and configure which one you will use in config/config.lua. This resource can be completely translated with locales.

  • client/editable.lua

    • Edit notifications

  • server/editable.lua

    • Edit logs system

    • Edit /pedcreator command

  • config/config.lua:

Shared = {
    Locale = 'en',

    Notify = {
        duration = 5000, -- miliseconds
        position = 'top-right' -- 'top' or 'top-right' or 'top-left' or 'bottom' or 'bottom-right' or 'bottom-left' or 'center-right' or 'center-left'
    Logs = {
        enabled = true,
        webhook = '',
        servername = 'Uniq Scripts',
        color = 6579450,
        icon_url = ''

    Commands = {
        pedcreator = {
            name = 'pedcreator',            -- command for accessing creator menu: create ped, delete ped, peds list
            restricted = 'group.admin',     -- group that will have acces to command 

    Keys = { --
        finish = 191,
        cancel = 194,

    TextUI_Position = 'top-center', -- 'right-center' or 'left-center' or 'top-center'

    JobsOptions = {
        ['police'] = 'Police',
        ['fbi'] = 'FBI',
        ['ambulance'] = 'EMS',
        ['mechanic'] = 'Mechanic'
    ClosestRadius = 10, -- radius in which the script will search for the nearest ped that needs to be deleted when the "closest" option is selected

    MaxAnimationDuration = 10000, -- miliseconds

    MaxAccessDistance = 20, -- maximum distance for viewing ped help interaction (meters)

    MinGuardDistance = 5, -- minimum distance (area) for ped to guard
    MaxGuardDistance = 50, -- maximum distance (area) for ped to guard

-- weapons.lua
MinimumAmmo = 100 -- minimum ammo amount admin can setup for ped to have
MaximumAmmo = 1000 -- maximum ammo amount admin can setup for ped to have

Weapons = {
    ['WEAPON_PISTOL'] = 'Pistol',
    ['WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE'] = 'Sniper Rifle',
    ['WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE'] = 'Carbine Rifle',

-- models.lua
Models = {
    -- Male models

-- Framework
-- framework loader, configured for the framework you bought (ESX/QB)

Last updated